While October holds some challenges and upheavals there are still some sweet little treats in between. We will do well to remember that some of the greatest rewards in life stem from our biggest challenges. Plants grow and flowers bloom out of the fertilization of dung after all. Let's put our brave faces on and rise to the occasion. Who knows what may emerge from within us?
With two eclipses this month, it's sure to be a time of unearthing old and buried emotions that are ready to be released. An excavation can be very unsettling for the ground, yet it provides aeration and brings concealed things to light. In the long run, this is a necessary process for our human journey. Discomfort goes hand in hand with growth. Being brave enough to lean into discomfort is the beckoning here. This can be approached with a sense of ease and surrender. It need not be a struggle. Struggle, after all, is defined by the story we tell ourselves.
We end October with an ancient festival that has become the contemporary Halloween. In the northern hemisphere, this is the crossing over from autumn into winter. It is considered a time when the veil between worlds is at its thinnest. The world is very north-centric, so much so that many southern celebrations echo the north instead of their own seasons. In the south, the crossing over from spring into summer is just as significant and still holds magic and mystery, though perhaps in a more light-hearted way. At least as light-hearted as one can be during an eclipse season.
Last year we had a Scorpio eclipse right near this cross-over time. Scorpio is the ruler of darkness, sex, and magic. This year we have the final eclipse in Taurus which is opposite Scorpio - so it is along that axis for the last time before all of the coming eclipses are in Aries and Libra. If Scorpio rules the unseen and mysterious, Taurus is the ruler of the visible, materiality, and physicality. The tensions between these parts of ourselves will be highlighted at this time. Do we favor our spiritual callings over our physical needs? Do we fall for our deep emotions instead of seeing the practical side of the scenario? Do we overindulge? We are called to usher in balance and moderation in order to integrate the lessons. One thing Scorpio and Taurus have in common is intensity, though they may express it in different ways. Temperance is the medicine.
Keyword this Month: Temperance
Like Goldilocks in the Bears' home, we need to find the perfect medium where it's not too hot and not too cold - not too much and not too little. Find the space where your self-care and self-love nourishes and supports you as opposed to hindering your expansion. The Chakra Balancing - A Teaching & A Practice will be a wonderful aid as you enter this month.
The theme this month: Overcoming and Befriending the Voice of the Inner Critic
With Lillith moving into Virgo, our battles with perfectionism and not feeling good enough will be exasperated. It will be necessary to bring a larger focus on self-love, self-nurturing, and knowing our self-worth. Allow yourself to make friends with the voice within you that lashes you out of fear. Bring that voice home with love and compassion. Reassure that voice that they are loved and safe. We have so often been programmed to see that voice as the enemy who holds us back. That voice, however, actually attempts to protect us from harm. That voice is us. And as long as we persecute it, we punish and shame ourselves. That voice will be easier to subdue when it feels safe.
1 October - Astrology Forecast
Moon conjunct Jupiter
The Moon enters Taurus and makes a conjunction with Jupiter. We have the opportunity to learn more about our inner desires and the things that please and stir us. Moderation is the key to a life of health and enjoyment. Having and indulging in the things that bring us joy is important yet it should not be spilling over into excess. Where could you integrate a better balance between indulgence and discipline? You may want to make use of the Quick Centering Meditation For Any Time, to bring you back to yourself when temptation comes knocking.
2 October - Astrology Forecast
Mercury opposite Neptune
The Moon in Taurus makes a conjunction with Uranus in Taurus and a trine with Mercury in Virgo and then Pluto in Capricorn. The Moon also squares Venus in Leo and sextiles Neptune in Pisces. Mercury in Virgo is opposite Neptune in Pisces. These alignments are very activating and positive with both Mercury and Neptune in their home signs. The Moon also expresses the best of Taurus when transiting here. Healing and revealing conversations with your loved ones may be challenging and produce tears. In the long run, however, they will invoke powerful restorations. All parties involved will need to be brave enough to put their pride aside and be willing to see their own delusions. We all create narratives that are not necessarily based on reality. Instead, we weave our stories from our interpretation of reality as it is filtered through our past experiences - experiences often marred by trauma of some kind. Be willing to see yourself. Be willing to heal. A powerful vibration of peace filters through upon this day. Allow yourself to tap into that. Integrating balance is the key to unlocking this door. It happens one step at a time. Make the most of this energy by accessing the Power Up Your Alignment meditation.
3 October - Astrology Forecast
Lillith moves into Virgo & Mercury trine Pluto
The Moon moves into Gemini making a square aspect to Saturn in Pisces and then a trine to the Sun. This marks a blessed new beginning and allows us to breathe fresh air into any of our relationships. Mercury in Virgo is trine to Pluto in Capricorn. This opens up a metaphorical portal where we can send the last bits of our crippling self-doubt. This allows us to step into the realms of speaking our truth. Venus in Leo is trine to the North Node in Aries. Our creative projects may get a burst of forward momentum and inspiration if we dare to believe in our abilities. Most notably today, Lillith moves into Virgo. With this transit, we will be expected to deal with our inner critic and learn to transmute that voice into one of nurturing love. We are enough even when we are not visibly perfect. We are perfect even when there is a voice saying we are not enough. We will also be asked to release the chains of our ideas around perfectionism. We are asked to accept that what is here in the present moment IS PERFECT. Our denial of the perfection of this moment is an argument with the perfection of creation and all that you are. Why would you want to pick a fight you are destined to lose? The truth darlings, is that you are already perfection. This will be the theme for Lillith’s transit through Virgo. Tap into the vibration of acceptance by using the Acceptance - When Challenge Arises meditation.
4 October - Astrology Forecast
Moon trine Mars
The Moon in Gemini is trine to Mars in Libra. Good luck is on our side today. Despite Mars not being at it’s most comfortable expression in Libra, today will feel easier than others during this transit. Accept the wins all around. Spend some time reflecting on all of your successes in life up to this point. Bask in your own glory to magnify this magic. You can be sure that placing a bet on yourself is worth the risk. You may want to make use of the Power Up Your Alignment Meditation to make the most of this day.
5 October - Astrology Forecast
Mercury enters Libra
The Moon in Gemini makes a square to Neptune in Pisces and then a sextile to Venus in Leo before slipping into Cancer’s teary waters. Mercury enters the balancing realm of Libra and then makes a square aspect to the Moon in Cancer. The Moon trines Saturn in Pisces and Mars in Libra is opposite the North Node in Aries. There is a lot going on today in the skies, and it most likely will stir your emotions. It may even feel like a rollercoaster. Some of us ride it with joy and acceptance. Others will move through it with gripping fear wondering when it will end or if it will possibly end their life. The choice is essentially yours. Which voice do you listen to? No emotion stays with you forever. Are you willing to let it move through you? With Water, Air, and Fire signs all in the mix, we lack some grounding today. It will, however, be possible to call this energy in consciously. The Air fans the flames of the fiery Leo Venus and Aries North Node, and the fires create steam from the Water allowing fast-forward propulsion. In some cases, the water puts out the fires and becomes stillness. Neither is right nor wrong, it is just exactly what you need it to be, so surrender to it. Fires can be reignited later. Use the Grounding into the Healing of Mother Earth Energy to aid you with this intensity today.
6 October - Astrology Forecast
Moon sextile Jupiter
The Moon in Cancer is square to the Sun in Libra and then sextile to Jupiter in Taurus. Today’s challenge will be in starting new things. Rather leave new initiations for another day. Instead, focus on checking in with your current projects and the foundations upon which they rest. How can you become more grounded and practical? How can you improve upon your systems? How can you maximize your energy and resources in the most sustainable way? Remember that your success is the world’s success. You do it for us all. Use the Aligning With Success Meditation to help you remember your truth.
7 October - Astrology Forecast
Moon trine Neptune
The Moon in Cancer is sextile to Uranus in Taurus and then trine to Neptune in Pisces. It then squares Mars in Libra and opposes Pluto in Capricorn before moving into Leo. Today is a great day for inner reflection, receiving insight and passively observing. Allow yourself to mull over things. Action should be saved for another day. Sometimes we need to sit with something before we can make real sense of it. Visualizing your dreams will be particularly potent in this atmosphere. If you would like assistance in that, then tap into Aligning with Success meditation.
8 October - Astrology Forecast
Moon sextile Mercury
The Moon in Leo is sextile to Mercury in Libra and then square to Jupiter in Taurus. Heart-centered and emotional communication may easily pour forth throwing a spanner in the works for the practical senses. Remember that groundedness is important too. Things should make logical sense as well as feel good. Don't throw yourself to the wolves because you are attracted to the excitement of it. Be sure first what kinds of wolves these are. Great inner transformation is possible if you are willing to break your own toxic patterns. This is a good moment to tap into Inner Child Work. You could try the Healing Your Inner Child - Identifying & Reparenting meditation to aid you.
9 October - Astrology Forecast
Venus enters Virgo & Mars square Pluto
Venus enters Virgo and makes a conjunction to Lillith. We are asked this day to confront the voice within that demands perfection from us. It is the voice of subtle violence. The subtext of their message is "you are not good enough". We are asked to choose self-love and nurturing instead. We are called to accept ourselves fully even in a moment where this feels impossible. Even if we feel we are the most unlovable, we must dare to love ourselves. Mars in Libra is square to Pluto in Capricorn. This alignment may amplify the negative voice that says "you will never make it". This is your opportunity to dissolve it. It speaks loudly because it is afraid of the shifting work you have already done. It is afraid to disappear. The truth is that you have already made it. Do not fall victim to this voice. It only has power if you give it power. The Moon in Leo is sextile to the Sun in Libra and then square to Uranus in Taurus. Every challenging moment is a blessing. Every difficulty provides a profound opportunity. The potential in this moment is phenomenal. You get to choose if you rise into your power or shrink into victimhood. You define the scenario. Use the Worthiness Meditation & Affirmations to assist this powerful work.
10 October - Astrology Forecast
Venus opposite Saturn
The Moon in Leo is sextile to Mars in Libra before gracefully entering Virgo. This alignment may help us to find dignified solutions to ongoing issues. Balancing opinions and viewpoints will be useful here. Venus in Virgo makes an opposition to Saturn in Pisces. Relationship tensions may be highlighted. Ask yourself how this pattern can be dissolved. How can you make a different choice? How can you redefine yourself here? Your actions speak loud vibrations into the multiverse stating who it is that you choose to be. The Moon makes an opposition to Saturn in Pisces and makes a conjunction with Venus. This alignment highlights, intensifies, and adds a further emotional realm to the ongoing themes of the day. Graceful solutions are available if you are willing to redefine yourself. Who do you choose to be today? We also have the numerology of the 10-10 in the date. This invokes the ending of old cycles and ushers in new beginnings. The Power Up Your Alignment meditation will be a good asset for this energy.
11 October - Astrology Forecast
Sun opposite Chiron
The Sun in Libra is opposite to Chiron in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn stations direct. The Moon in Virgo is trine to Jupiter in Taurus. If you are willing to take the feedback you will easily tap into the magic of this day. If you are willing to see yourself and grow then you can overcome anything with ease. The planets are working in your favor today to help you to understand your shadow in a new way. Allow for clarity to unfold and enter into the transmutation chamber. Successful resolutions are possible in the emotional realm. Beautiful and sacred new beginnings may arise. Be sure to dust away the old energies to complete the previous cycles. You really can heal. Make use of the Good Morning Gratitude Affirmations To Start Your Day Right.
12 October - Astrology Forecast
Mars enters Scorpio & Saturn opposite Lillith
Mars enters Scorpio and Saturn in Pisces is opposite to Lillith in Virgo. The temptation to shy away from uncomfortable truths through old patterns of escapism may be present. If we are willing to discern and turn towards self-love instead, we can overcome this. Mars in Scorpio may influence a desire for self-destruction, but it could also give us the power and confidence to express our deepest emotions. In which direction do you sway? Whatever your response here, be sure to call spirit in as an aid. The Moon in Virgo is trine to Uranus in Taurus then opposite Neptune in Pisces and then trine Pluto in Capricorn. These Moon alignments will aid us in processing our emotions. We can aid this by allowing space and using the release as a way to shift paradigms. This is a death of sorts. And therefore yet another new beginning. Maybe it's the moment to tap into the abundant endless well of love within you. To aid in aligning with the abundance energy, tap into our ABUNDANCE ACTIVATION mind reprogramming series.
13 October - Astrology Forecast
Mars sextile Lillith & trine Saturn
The Moon enters Libra and Mars in Scorpio is sextile to Lillith in Virgo and trine to Saturn in Pisces. The theme of death and birth continues today. Deeper insights into our shadow selves may be likely. Not only that, but solutions to overcoming them may be easily visible. If you are releasing an old habit, it will be useful to create a plan of how to make a new healthier habit. Set yourself up for success. Remember that it is the small changes we make that compound into greater shifts. Perhaps start a committed meditation practice, if you do not have one already. Try A Quick Centering Meditation For Anytime as a starting point.
14 October - Astrology Forecast
New Moon Full Solar Eclipse in Libra
We have a New Moon Full Solar Eclipse in Libra (visible from the US) and Mercury in Libra is opposite to Chiron in Aries. The Moon is conjunct with Mercury and then the Sun in Libra. Eclipses are notoriously unsettling and can have an ominous feeling to them. Yet I would like to propose that unsettling can be a useful cleansing mechanism. When we sweep a room we unsettle the dust, getting rid of that which no longer serves us. New Moons, as the name may suggest always usher in new beginnings and therefore the ending of cycles. This theme has been persistent. With the other planetary aspects of the Moon, we may see these new beginnings manifesting as healing opportunities within relationships. Open honest conversations with the practice of non-violent communication is a sure-win strategy. We don't need to find a middle ground or a solution in order to benefit from these healings. Rather practice seeing and understanding each other as well as allowing yourself to open up and be witnessed. Be sure to attempt this with safe people. Some of you have the best of intentions with opening up to people who do not have the capacity to provide a safe space for you, nor themselves. Others may attempt to manipulate you in your vulnerability. This is not something to fear but rather to be aware of. Allow yourself the time to reflect honestly on the state of your relations and who you can trust. Opening up to trust is a wonderful thing. There is always some risk in doing so which is part of what makes it so worthwhile. Use the Practice To Heal Relationships - The Higher Self Meditation to help you with challenging relationships.
15 October - Astrology Forecast
Moon enters Scorpio and conjuncts Mars
The Moon in Libra is square to Pluto in Capricorn before diving into Scorpio's depths. Then the Moon trines Saturn in Pisces, conjuncts Mars in Scorpio, and sextiles Venus in Virgo. The metaphoric boat rocking caused by the eclipse may intensify on this day as deep emotions surface through the Scorpio Moon transit. With the additional conjunction with Mars in Scorpio, it's possible that the emotions surfacing resemble unexpressed anger. There is a powerful opportunity here to transmute any of the base and uncomfortable feelings, but it’s not by ignoring them. Rather, it is by giving them space, allowing yourself to feel them, and finding empowering and healthy ways for them to be expressed. It is likely that this necessary emotional work feels impractical and that you should suppress it in order to get your daily tasks done. The recommendation here is to allow yourself to change your plans, call in sick, and move slowly. In the long run, this is the more practical and beneficial thing for your general well-being and therefore your career as well. This is your moment to shift something deep within. Tap into the Healing Your Inner Child - Identifying & Reparenting meditation for some deep inner reflection and healing.
16 October - Astrology Forecast
Moon opposite Jupiter
The Moon in Scorpio is opposite Jupiter in Taurus. Today’s positive aspect with Jupiter provides the perfect landscape to reflect upon the previous days and to see the benefit of what has unfolded. Spend some time journaling your thoughts and feelings. Focus some of that energy on gratitude too. You should feel a sense of release and ease settling in today, especially if you have done the work over the last while. Listen to the Prayer Of Gratitude to align yourself.
17 October - Astrology Forecast
Moon enters Sagittarius & squares Saturn
The Moon in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus, trines Neptune in Pisces, and sextiles Pluto in Capricorn. The Moon then shifts into Sagittarius and squares Saturn in Pisces. Leaning into tenderness will have great benefits with this energy. Explore challenging emotions, ask where they come from, and allow space for the answers to come through. This may produce wonderful healing. Checking in with your goals and ambitions and enquiring if they align with your higher purpose may also be in alignment with this energy. Avoid impulsive action and ill-considered decision-making. Today is for inner work. Let your interior philosopher muse over the poetry of it all. See the beauty in the cracked surfaces. See opportunities and openings. Remember that self-knowledge is sacred. Make use of the Cord Cutting/Removal Of Unhealthy Attachments to release anything that is no longer in service of your healing.
18 October - Astrology Forecast
Sun opposite North Node
The Sun in Libra is opposite the North Node in Aries. We have a golden opportunity to unite and integrate the polarities that exist within us. We are all things after all. Bring union to your inner world through yoga, meditation, magical practice, journalling, or any other modality that resonates for you. The Moon in Sagittarius is square to Venus in Virgo. We are asked to acknowledge the places where we seek unhealthy adventure versus those of higher alignment and existence. Ethics and knowledge-seeking need not be boring because they are moral. Adventure rests in our approach to our seeking. You can walk the edge without damaging yourself. Be sure that your will for excitement is aligned with your true calling, as opposed to running away from the things that scare you. Remember your worth. Tap into the Worthiness Meditation to remind yourself.
19 October - Astrology Forecast
Mercury opposite the North Node
The Moon in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces, sextiles Mercury in Libra, and sextiles the Sun in Libra. Mercury in Libra is opposite the North Node in Aries. There is the possibility of business meetings being very lucrative with this alignment, as long as we are clear about our goals and visions. Do your due diligence in researching the people you are meeting with. The positive resolution of disputes is also likely here. The Moon enters Capricorn and sextiles Saturn in Pisces. With a small chance of falling for your own delusional narratives, that only exist within your own mind, there is about a 90% chance that today is a happy and wonderful unfolding. You are the only one who can prevent yourself from seeing how much there is to be grateful for. This is a great day to work with any subconscious beliefs that prevent you from accessing your abundance. Tap into the Abundance Programming in order to alter yourself in powerful ways.
20 October - Astrology Forecast
Sun conjunct Mercury
The Sun in Libra is conjunct Mercury. The Moon in Capricorn is sextile Mars in Scorpio, trine Venus in Virgo, and trine to Jupiter in Taurus. As far as fortunate days in October go, this one is looking pretty good. If you were searching for a day for a manifestation ritual, a moment of wish-making, or even to present a new idea to a colleague or the world, this day’s energy will aid you. You can direct this delicious vitality towards goals in love, business or personal growth, and spirituality. The feeling of closing old cycles and fresh new beginnings lingers in the atmosphere, but in a much lighter way than the previous days. Take action! Believe in yourself and your visions! Take the leap of faith! Tap into the Worthiness Meditation & Affirmations to remind yourself who you are!
21 October - Astrology Forecast
Sun & Mercury square Pluto
The Sun and Mercury in Libra are square to Pluto in Capricorn. The Moon in Capricorn is trine Uranus in Taurus, sextile Neptune in Pisces, conjunct Pluto, and square the Sun in Libra. Today’s energy holds the promise of freshness. Sometimes new beginnings have moments of frustration as we release old habits, routines, ideas, and identities. We might call these teething pains. Yet our resistance to the shift cannot stop our teeth from coming out. Ready or not the new is upon us. We may as well surrender to the affliction and allow it to process through. Soon we will have a new beautiful smile and we will be able to forget all about the annoyance of the growing process. Trust in the beauty to come. Make use of the powerful Cord Cutting/Removal Of Unhealthy Attachments to let go and release.
22 October - Astrology Forecast
Mercury enters Scorpio & Venus trine Jupiter
The Moon in Capricorn is square to Mercury in Libra before moving into Aquarius. The Moon in Aquarius is square Mars in Scorpio and square Jupiter in Taurus. Mercury enters Scorpio and then makes a trine to Saturn in Pisces. Venus in Virgo is trine to Jupiter in Taurus. Sometimes things happen that we want to immediately label as “bad”. Yet often if we wait just a little we can see divine blessing and divine timing in the seeming catastrophe. Whatever seems to be off-beat today, allow yourself to accept already that it is occurring in alignment with divine synchronicity. All is actually unfolding with perfection if only you will allow yourself to see it. Learn what you can. See beyond the illusions. And see with love. There is magic in this moment, right here, right now. Let this day mark another new beginning for you. Let this day be filled with the light of your acknowledgment of the grace in all things. Make use of the Acceptance - When Challenge Arises meditation to ease through the energy.
23 October - Astrology Forecast
Sun enters Scorpio & Mercury sextile Lillith
The Sun enters Scorpio and Mercury in Scorpio is sextile to Lillith in Virgo. This is quite the entry into Scorpio season. The Scorpion sting may be pretty zesty if anyone dares tread over the boundary lines. Today is a deep dark dive into divine feminine energy. It's time to embrace and love the shadow. Time to dance with our demons and bring them all to light. We know how to traverse these slippery places. We live there. We live for this. This time is sacred. Your shadow is sacred. Your ego, too, is sacred. It is certainly not all that you are. There is so much more to you than just this. The Moon in Aquarius is square Uranus in Taurus adding a quirky dimension to the darkness. We may find that we have enough foresight to navigate these waters a bit better than normal. We may even find humor in the seemingly adverse parts of ourselves. Laugher is a great transmuter into light and Scorpio is the light bearer after all. Let there be light! This may be a good moment to do the Meet Your Guides - A Guided Meditation.
24 October - Astrology Forecast
Sun trine Saturn
The Sun in Scorpio is trine to Saturn in Pisces and the Moon plunges into healing Piscean waters. The Moon then Conjuncts Saturn, trines the Sun in Scorpio, trines Mercury in Scorpio, trines Mars in Scorpio, and sextiles Jupiter in Taurus. With a stellium of planets in Scorpio, we are traversing some murky pools. The luck of the positive aspects will help us navigate these spaces. Sometimes the feelings that are arising may feel so intense we do not know how to process them. Do some research on tools for working through emotions such as anger, sadness, grief, and even shame and guilt. The sooner you come to terms with how you feel the better. And this new information may even help you to help not only yourself but also others too. Let this be the moment that you respond differently. Let this be the moment that ancestral patterns are broken. Let you be the last. It really is a powerful moment to initiate or tap into ancestral work. Big shifts are possible here. Spirit is sure to be receptive to communication. Lay the foundations for any healing work you plan on then the 31st for the thinning of the veil. With this many planets in Scorpio your dream space is sure to be the best revealer and invoking lucid dreams will also be more likely. Try the Guided Meditation To Invoke Lucid Dreaming & Dream Recall to see if you can tap into this magic space. Reach out if you need help working with the symbols.
25 October - Astrology Forecast
Moon opposite Venus
The Moon in Pisces opposes Venus in Virgo, sextiles Uranus in Taurus, and conjuncts Neptune in Pisces. Today is good for bringing healing into your relationships. Have conversations, expressing your truth in a gentle yet honest way. Dream solutions may unfold, yet sticking to them may prove difficult in the coming days. That doesn't mean you shouldn't set the new goal. We have only failed when we give up. It's up to you to decide when it's best to let things go or when they are worth putting energy into. There is no right or wrong. There is just what feels good to you. So be sure to choose what feels good to you. Make use of this powerful practice to lay the energetic foundations before the real-life conversations: Practice To Heal Relationships - The Higher Self Meditation.
26 October - Astrology Forecast
Sun sextile Lillith
The Sun in Scorpio is sextile to the Dark Moon Lillith in Virgo. The Moon in Pisces sextiles Pluto in Capricorn before shifting gears into Aries. The dark side of your creative projects may unveil itself today and you are being called to love it anyway. Everything we set out to do will have this side to it. Nothing is just love and light. For light always casts a shadow - at least in this realm. Accept the good with the bad. Aim to be peaceful with all parts of yourself and what you create. It may well be easier to embrace the dark parts of self this day. Remember that you don't have control over what other people think, how they react, and what they say. So rather just be true to yourself and love what you do and be what you love. Make use of the Bringing Calm to the Nervous System Meditation to aid you today.
28 October - Astrology Forecast
Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse & Mars opposite Jupiter
We have a Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, and Mars in Scorpio is opposite Jupiter in Taurus. The Moon makes a sextile aspect to Saturn in Pisces. Eclipses are notorious for being ominous and spreading fear yet those of us who are used to the shadow delling and the deep diving know the benefit and power of such alignments. If that's you, it may even cause a shiver of excitement to run through your bones. This eclipse is sure to shake up any of the foundations of thought around money, wealth, and security that no longer align with the version of ourselves that we are now ready to be. Materialism is great, but it's also not everything. We are more than the material. We are also spirits. Even the material is spiritual in essence and should support our spiritual endeavors. Take whatever energy cumulates with the eclipse and transmute it into love. There is nothing else to do but be the alchemist. Try the Be The Alchemist - Of Transmutation meditation to assist your shift.
29 October - Astrology Forecast
Mercury opposite Jupiter & Mercury conjunct Mars
Mercury in Scorpio is opposite Jupiter in Taurus and Mercury is conjunct Mars in Scorpio. The Moon is conjunct Jupiter in Taurus, and is opposite Mercury and Mars. The Moon is trine Venus in Virgo and conjunct Uranus. Did you see 11:11 today? Did you notice some magical signs before seeing this post? This is your sign to tell you to believe in the magic of synchronicity! Here is your calling to embrace balance in your life. This is your beckoning to walk through the gateway into your most magical life. You are pure magic. Your life is divine synchronicity. Some days it's easier to notice than others. Write down your magical moments to reflect on later when you need the reminder of the magic of the universe. See the mirror reflections of yourself in everything that you encounter. It’s all you baby! Use the Prayer of Gratitude to maginfy the good feelings.
30 October - Astrology Forecast
Moon enters Gemini
The Moon in Taurus is sextile Neptune in Pisces and trine Pluto in Capricorn. The Moon then enters Gemini’s social realm and makes a square to Saturn in Pisces. Inner transformational work is favored on this day. Get your journals out and observe your habits. What shifts would work for you moving forward? How can you give more room for your inner divine feminine to express? Where are you potentially silencing yourself or suppressing a part of you? Avoid saying things publicly without thinking, as the Gemini Moon square Saturn may cause an unconscious miscommunication stir. This energy is better for quiet contemplation of self rather than judgment of others. Judgment of others is always a reflection of ourselves. Judge not for you see yourself. May as well see with compassion. You might have need for the Guided Meditation for when You are Triggered.
31 October - Astrology Forecast
Thinning of the Veil & Venus trine Uranus
Today the veil between worlds is said to be at its thinnest. Venus in Virgo is trine to Uranus in Taurus. This is a perfect moment to communicate with your guides and receive divine guidance. Pull out your oracle cards, pendulums, and other divination tools, and get into the trance of spiritual communication, if that’s your vibe. Otherwise, just tap into the realms of yourself by taking some time to meditate with this powerful energy. It's an excellent moment to tap into some ancestral work, and if you feel ready learn how here.
Wishing you a truly magical Transmutation October.
With Love
Psychic Carla LunAscention
PS. If you feel called to book a psychic reading or natal chart reading, it is always my honour to be of service.