
Delve Deep
Psychic Carla
The Blue Team are a group of higher dimensional light beings
that assist Carla in doing readings, clearings
and energy work.
Some may refer to them as archangels or ascended masters.
Really they are just pure light - pure vibrational love -
mostly (but not exclusively) vibrating within the spectrum of blue light.
Delve deep with higher dimensional light beings & psychic Carla
with a psychic tarot reading.
Peer into your past, present & future with prophecy & guidance.
If you are seeking clarity,
if you have an inquiry about your spiritual path,
or your healing journey,
if you want insight into your career path,
or your love life, or family dynamics...
...then you are in the right place.

We aim to manifest a world that is in
alignment with love vibration.
"Carla is amazing and just her presence puts one at ease and brings a calm to the chaos of the outside world."
- Jessica Perrins
Are you on a healing journey, but you feel that something is blocking you?
Are you ready to make some real internal shifts?
We are looking for clients that are ready to do the real internal work so that we can help you to take your life to the next level.
Are you ready?
We have a number of programs for transforming your life, and a psychic reading is a great place to start your LunAscention Journey.
What to expect
With Psychic Carla
A reading takes 45 Minutes & takes place over video or voice call.
Since time & space is third-dimensional illusion, this works very well.
Prepare your questions beforehand, write them down and set your intentions.
You can either ask your questions directly to me during the session
or just allow spirit to lead the way.
Carla is psychic, meaning that she is sensitive to energy & spirit
- she picks up on subtle energy that many people block out.
Carla may spontaneously act as a medium,
(receive messages from passed on loved ones) but this is not her specialty.
If you do want messages from crossed over loved ones,
do write it down with your questions.
Carla does not need tools, but she uses tarot cards,
oracle cards, rune stones & a pendulum, as a second opinion
or as an affirmation of what she is picking up on energetically.
Carla has known that she was psychic since age 6
and she hid this from others for a long time
until the Blue Team pushed her into coming out of the psychic closet.
She gave readings for more than 10 years secretively and got clients only via word of mouth.
Carla went public under the name LunAscention in August 2020.
At LunSAscention we are interested in generating
action with the intention for the highest of good.
We wish to be a part of the ascension and the shifting
of our collective consciousness towards the light.
We aim to continually grow and expand the definition of who we are
and what makes this worthwhile is to share it with you.
"She was born for this, her tarot is top-notch"
- Leroy Le Roux
"Precious soul with beautiful energy, so grateful for your work and great inspiration"
- Velix Recula
How can I
And what can I ask?
You should prepare your questions by writing them down beforehand.
Ask yourself why you want a reading?
Carla prefers to NOT know your questions before the reading so please don't send them through.
The more specific you can be about your intention - the clearer your outcomes.
So much information can potentially come through, so if you don't set your intentions it's like dipping your hand in a lucky packet.
Sometimes people want specific outcomes, but all Carla can deliver is the truth as they see it.
Carla does not encourage "should" questions, because they feel that there is no "should" in life, just what is for the highest good or not.
A "should" question will invite Psychic Carla's opinion which they can happily provide.
It is useful to set up sacred space so that you will be able to absorb what is coming through by lighting candles, incense, bringing crystals, etc.
Carla is happy if you wish to Video or voice record the session for later reference but they do not offer this service.
Remember that
At the end of the day, you are the power & the authority in your life.
Whatever is revealed is just a reading of where you are in that moment, & the likely probable outcomes according to your current trajectory.
Carla sees the direction that things are headed for you.
BUT you have the power to shift the direction of your life at any moment.
Nothing that comes up needs to be feared.
One is empowered in seeing ahead in order to prevent, prepare or even completely alter.
Sometimes the truth can be hard to face, but it is also wonderful,
because you are, after all, a beautiful being of light; the truth always liberates us.
"Her ability to connect to the spiritual realm is quite profound, sharing that connection and her knowledge with me (through the reading and cards) in a way that was comforting. It was pretty amazing how she could pinpoint many occurrences: past, present, and future, that were so real and true."
- Gabrielle Fairhead
Guidance for the present moment
How to get to where you want to be
The best course of action
Useful rituals to assist you
What needs healing & attention (particularly emotional & past life)
Getting back into your body or grounding
Helping you to prioritize
Calming and nourishing the soul
Revealing your blind spots
Chakra balancing & aura clearing
Identifying ancestral patterns & blocks & aiding in removing them
Please see disclaimer for questions that will not be answered before you make your booking
Past lives
Your guides
Healing modalities
Believing in yourself
Your capabilities
Your gifts
What needs to be done
What next steps will be most aligned