With a number of pleasant and challenging aspects involving our friendly-not-so-friendly, transformational archetype, Pluto, we are bound to see some spiritual shifts in our lives and alterations to our viewpoints of the world this September. Change is in the air as we move into Spring or Autumn, depending where in the world you are. With the Sun transiting through Virgo we have the ability to implement practical integrations in order to make the best of these movements, as long as we dont trap ourselves in the action of complaining. With the shadow of Mercury retrograde throwing some complications in the communications and Venus in Scorpio making us feel all kinds of ways, let’s make the most of this energy by peeking into the clues provided by the planetary movements for the month ahead.
On the 2nd of September Mars in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces creating waves of emotion to rock our lifeboats. If we are cautious not to overreact we may be able to overcome the rough sea storm completely unscathed, but Virgo’s need to critique may make that a challenge. Try not to allow your emotions to get the best of you on this day and don't allow the fleeting feelings to affect your ability to believe in your dreams. This too shall pass.
September 4th brings the blessing of a trine aspect between Mercury in Libra and Saturn in Aquarius, creating the perfect energetic flow to allow for the diplomatic resolution of conflict, whether on the interpersonal or public level. Access this energy consciously by initiating healing conversations. It is the perfect moment to find resolution for the previous opposition energy.
The 5th of September presents us with a challenge, as Pluto, the lord of the underworlds, in Capricorn squares Venus, Goddess of love, in Libra. We may be presented with some uncomfortable reflections of our own darkness within the closest of our relations. The discomfort may have you asking, ‘what am I doing with this person? How did I end up with someone who displays such unconsciousness?’ - and the answer of course is that we are seeing ourselves and our own darknesses. Transmute this energy consciously and don’t make any rash decisions. Take in the new information and do the necessary self work and wait for the intensity of the square to pass over you before coming to any final conclusions.
A New Moon in Virgo graces us with her clarity on the 6th of September, helping us to find clarity in the darkness. With her sharp analytical mind and loving motherly grace the Virgo moon is the perfect tonic after the previous day’s square. Using your sharpened discernment, rewrite the goal list and bring energy to your revised vision of the future.
Alongside the New Moon we have a trine between Mars in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn, helping us to see clearly our own role in our past ‘downfalls’, and therefore the places where we can bring a new way of taking action. With Mars in the mix, we feel motivated and filled with energy that we can pour into the pursuits of our personal growth journey. Hope shines from every star in the darkness of this night.
Venus moves into the murky deep-watery realms of Scorpio on the 10th of September until the 7th of October. While Venus transits through this intense part of the sky a number of deep buried emotions may emerge to remind us that we are all human beings with ego. Jealousy, possessiveness and control issues may come to the forefront and negotiations around feeling safe will be essential for the stability of our personal relationships. On the opposite end of the polarity there may also be a tendency (for those who feel secure in their relations) to deepen the mystical connections, intensify the sexual explorations and to strengthen the bonds of love.
Mars, the commander archetype enters diplomatic Libra on the 14th of September and moves through this sign until the 30th of October, helping us to be more understanding and fair in our leadership. Mars tendency towards impulsiveness is tempered in the balanced scales of Libra, but caution should be heeded around complacency - Libra should help Mars to think clearer, not prevent action entirely.
The Sun in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn on the 16th of September creating a burst of celebratory fireworks as we locate the holes in our ideas, bringing a new practical solution to the things that were draining our energy. Most likely the energy drains were directly linked to our ideas around our own self worth and capabilities. As we work to build new and empowering views of self, new opportunities open up and energy flows where there was once drought.
Venus in Scorpio squares Saturn in Aquarius on the 17th of September. This is probably the most challenging aspect of the month creating the feeling of dead ends and deep despair. This is the kind of energy that just needs some time and space to feel everything that needs to be felt. Get some rest. Shed some tears. Do some deep breathing. Avoid blaming others. It will be over soon.
The Full glory of the Moon shines down upon us in the dreamy sign of Pisces on the 20th of September. We may feel swept away in a beautiful dream or romance novel. A Pisces Full Moon can shine light upon our dreams and help us to manifest them, but she can also distract us by luring us into fantasy worlds and wishful thinking. Use the Practical Virgo Sun energy to ground yourself in reality as you tap into this dreamy energy. Avoid mind altering substance use at this time, lest you be taken away from this realm where your work is needed.
Alongside this Full Moon we have a beautiful trine aspect between two benefics: Mercury in Libra and Jupiter in Aquarius. Both these planetary positions help us with clear communication, clear vision for the future and intensifies the potential of expansion both within and without. Use this energy to express that which you are shedding, and to take stock of the dreams that you have already cultivated, so as to add further energy into those goals that you still strive towards.
Equinox brings us glorious balancing energy as the Sun shifts into the equitable sign of Libra on the 22nd of September. The same day Mercury in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn. Questions around how to integrate better balance into our lives takes precedence with this theme, and there may be disputes around what is the best action forward, particularly in group dynamics, or at a global level. Group debates and discussions are better avoided with this energy. It is preferable to have an Equinox celebration home alone this time, with plenty of deep meditation and introspection around how to integrate the new version of self into the unfolding now.
The 23rd of September creates more ripples with an opposition between Venus in Scorpio and Uranus in Taurus. The impractical sustainability of certain relationship dynamics may be exposed, creating the need to bring a revolutionary change to our lives. Either certain behavioural patterns will need to shift, or the relations will end, in dramatic fashion. Much emotion will need to be purged either way. Get your toolkit for emotional processing ready.
Mars in Libra trines Saturn in Aquarius on the 25th of September giving us a gentle boost of positive energy to encourage our ability to overcome any of the challenges that have recently resurfaced. Subtle and tender in its approach this energy will be like a guardian angel working behind the scenes to restore the balance.
Mercury stations retrograde in Libra on the 26th of September, and we hear the dramatic echo of every histrionic humans’ complaints motioning through the social media platforms: ‘hide away, stay home, it’s Mercury retrograde’. I offer instead a meditation upon your ability to surrender to the current circumstances when things don't go according to plan, to accepting that there is a divine plan that is more important than your ego narrative. For the next three weeks challenge yourself to live from your heart space, oozing compassion in the wake of any and all miscommunications, slip ups and logistic failures. Instead of waiting around when someone is late, meditate and be in your unshakable center.
Two of our favourite benefic planets; Venus and Neptune gracefully dance in trine aspect on the 29th of September in the watery signs of Scorpio and Pisces respectfully. This is the perfect day for romance, for falling in love, for rekindling the love in relationships, between family members, friends or even the flame of self-love. We really need this loving reminder - our reason to continue, to move forward, all for love.
Another trine dance occurs the same day between the Sun in Libra and Saturn in Aquarius, illuminating our own shortcomings in a way that feels safe, therefore making it easy to bring the healing energy of forgiveness and release, creating a route to overcoming the obstacles that once held us from ourselves.
The 30th of September knocks us with a square between Venus in Scorpio and Jupiter in Aquarius. Tendencies towards stubbornness and the low vibrational games of power dominance may bite the hand that feeds us if we are not careful. Think before you speak, and for that matter, think before you act too, these are murky waters that could harm your good fortune. Don't gamble on your fundamental provisions.
While the interpretations are my own, I get my astrology information from the www.astrology.com calendar. Some of the dates may differ slightly depending upon where in the world you are.